About Java

What is Java

Java is a high-level programming language originally created by James Gosling at Sun Micro systems as a computing platform in 1995.Java is the base technology that powers many devices , games and business applications.Before 1995, Java was called Oak and designed for hand-held devices and set top boxes.In 1995 Oak has been modified and renamed to Java to take the advantage of the burgeoning World Wide Web. Java is similar to C++ as both are object-oriented languages, but Java is modified to eliminate language features that cause common programming errors.Java syntax is similar to C,C++ , but Java has low-level facilities than either of them. Java files can be written in any text editor with an extension .java in file name and compiled into a format called bytecode which will have .class extension.These class files can run in the JVM of any machine. Bytecode can also be converted directly into machine language instructions by a just-in-time compiler (JIT). Java contains extensive libraries (packages) and can be used to develop secure web applications and desktop application.we can find most of the device are programmed with Java only because of it's robustness and Write Once Run anywhere (WORA) feature.

History of Java

  • Developed at sun microsystems in 1991 and initially called with name OAK.
  • Initially developed for hand-held devices and consumer electronics like TV , V.C.R and set top Boxes.
  • Initial objective was to develop a portable, robust, fast, efficient programming language.

  • Java is

  • Simple

  • Platform-Independant

  • Robust

  • Object-Oriented

  • Portable

  • Distributed

  • High-Performane

  • Interpreted

  • Scure

  • Multi-threaded

  • Dynamic
  • The third operator steams a singer.


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